Clinical Neuropsychologist
Colorado Neurological Institute, Denver, CO, USA

Position held:
- E-Seminar Leader, Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
- Invited Lecturer, distinguished Lecture Series in Cognitive Science, Carleton University
- Director of Communications Board of Directors, Association for Psychological Type
- Founder & Convener, Type Theory & Research Symposia Association for Psychological Type Xth & XIth International Conferences.
- Member, Editorial Board, Cognition and Consciousness, Academic Press Journal.
- Reviewer, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Oxford University Press (1997)
- Newman, J., Baars, B.J., & Cho S-B., (1997) “Neural Global Workspace Model for Consciousness” Special Issue : Neural Models of Consciousness (Fall 1997)
- Newman, J., Baars, B.J., & Taylor, J. (1997) “Neuronal Mechanisms of Consciousness: A Relational Global Workspace Framework”. (S Hammeroff et al. (eds) Towards a Science of Consciousness, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press (fall 1997)
- Newman, J., & Baars, B.J. (1994) “A Neurobiological interpretation of a Global Workspace Theory of Consciousness” (Chap 8) In Revonsuo & Kamppinen (eds.) Consciousness in Philosophy & cognitive Neuroscience, Hillsdale, N.J.. Erlbaum
- Newman, J., (1995) “Commentary : Reticular-Thalamic Activation of the Cortex Generates conscious contents” Behavioral & Brain Science, 18:4, 691-692
- Newman, J., (1995) “Review: Thalamic Contributions to Attention and Consciousness” Consciousness and Cognition, 4:2, 172-193
- Newman, J., (1997) “Putting Together the Puzzle, Part-I: Towards a General Theory of Neural Correlation of Consciousness”. Journal of consciousness Studies, 4:1, 47-66
- Newman, J., (1997) “Putting Together the Puzzle, Part-II: Towards a General Theory of Neural Correlation of Consciousness” Journal of consciousness Studies, 4:2, 101-121