Exploring Cognition and Cognitive Processes: A Novel Approach

ID No.: 1999HZ67003


DISSERTATION TITLE: Exploring Cognition and Cognitive Processes: A Novel Approach


This dissertation is primarily concerned with the-

1.⁠ ⁠The Evolving Paradigm in Scientific Inquiry:

2.⁠ ⁠The Role that “Assumptions” will play in development of the new conceptual scaffold.

The nature of the inquiry is predominantly philosophical though the topic taken up “Exploring Cognition and Cognitive Process” is couched in the language of neuroscience, extensively. The role of “Philosophy” in science has been relegated to the “Context of Justification. This dissertation aims to revolutionize philosophy’s character by trying to state that it can and will play a critical role in the ‘Context of Discovery’ in the evolving paradigm where science is involved in the enterprise of finding ostensible and objective definitions for terms that have until now been described as “subjective.” The dissertation attempts this by assuming a different definition of ‘Cognition’ and how this definition will eventually lead to the development of a ‘Top-Down Model of Cognition. The working hypothesis uses the novel methodology of sleep research to gain valuable clues to map the different physiological areas involved in the higher- order functions of the human brain that the current bottom up methods have failed to resolve.