Curtailing unwanted alterations in consciousness commonly found in neurological or psychotic disorders: A Critical Review

ID No.: 2008HZ67001


DISSERTATION TITLE: Curtailing unwanted alterations in consciousness commonly found in neurological or psychotic disorders: A Critical Review


The main purpose of the study is to review certain novel multiple-layer, compression-coated, tablet formulations and other techniques and methods which are available in order to curtail alteration in consciousness as side effects in the treatment of neurological disorders or psychotic disorders. The thesis will outline the neurochemical mediators of distributed neural function, brain functions and their correlations to various states of consciousness and suggest possible mechanisms and explanations to curtail unwanted changes in consciousness which are side effects induced by drugs or by an imbalance of neurotransmitters. Consciousness is explained in terms of Neural Correlates of consciousness (NCC). Considering all mental states as brain states, brain damage or neuronal disturbances may lead to Alteration in Consciousness.

Key words: Consciousness, Neural Correlates of consciousness (NCC), Alteration in Consciousness.