Biofeedback, Autogenic Training and Virtual Reality

ID No.: 2014HZ67001


DISSERTATION TITLE: Biofeedback, Autogenic Training and Virtual Reality


Biofeedback techniques have been successfully used to treat a number of conditions such as Raynaud’s disease, anxiety, migraine, incontinence etc. However, the exact working of biofeedback remains a mystery. This dissertation presents a review of the existing biofeedback models. It also investigates the role of various theories of consciousness in the development of these models. Finally, it compares autogenic training with biofeedback training to compare the effectiveness of each technique. An experiment to study this difference was also carried out. Subjects were trained to raise their peripheral body temperature using autogenic training and biofeedback techniques. The subjects also underwent laboratory tests to record the effects of the training over a period of four weeks. Results indicate that biofeedback training provides reduced learning times as compared to autogenic training. A possible explanation for these findings is offered in terms of involvement of the subject using visual and audio stimulation. It is suggested that further investigations may be performed using virtual reality technology to enhance biofeedback therapy. To this end, an introduction to current virtual reality technology as well as the connection between biofeedback and virtual reality is discussed.