BSc. Biotechnology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P.
MSc. Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P.
MS Consciousness Studies, Bhaktivedanta Institute, Mumbai.

MS Dissertation Title: Biology and Information (link to abstract)
Research Interests: Philosophy & Consciousness, Biology & Information, Microbiology
Personal Statement:
“Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance”- Will Durant
The word “science” has always fascinated and perplexed me. To understand it I took up science as my course subject during my Graduate program, but could not understand it. Perhaps, I think I was only ‘taught’ science, but not to ‘do’ science. Bhaktivedanta Institute with its unique inter-disciplinary course structure is a potential platform for me to ‘do’ science.