Non-Chemical, Non-Electromagnetic Distant Interactions Between Two Spatially Separated Living Systems- A Critical Approach

ID No.: 2008HZ67003


DISSERTATION TITLE: Non-Chemical, Non-Electromagnetic Distant Interactions Between Two Spatially Separated Living Systems- A Critical Approach


I will discuss and analyze the holistic approach in biology with the views of several scientists, biologists, philosophers. We will see how reductionism has been challenged. Firstly, we will discuss and analyze the usage of such terms like information, non-locality (especially biological non-locality discussed by Josephson, Thaheld) “nonseparability” and “interconnectedness”, in regard to biology. We will review and discuss whether these terms can be applied to experimental evidence showing how living organisms can interact although they are spatially separated. Does the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox have any significance in biological interactions? Thaheld (2004) suggests that this paradox does have significance for biological interaction. Einstein claimed that “if quantum mechanics were the complete model of reality, then non-local interactions between particles had to exist”. Some biologists now seem to have accepted the relevance of the concept of quantum coherence and entanglement in bio-systems Living systems could be realized as a single (should) macroscopic coherent energy/information system and they should not be reduced to organs, tissues and similar divisions. I will discuss evidence showing how non-local correlations are certainly seen in classical (molecular) biology (eg. bystander effect, enhancers bio-electro- magnetics (distant wave mediated interactions between organisms even if they are spatially separated (even meters away) have been found experimentally. We will discuss the ontological and causal explanations for such unconventional biological phenomenon given by researchers.

A critical review towards the radiative information transfer like electromagnetic field, and other proposed mechanisms in regard to nonlocal/distant interactions will be discussed and analyzed. We will see how Mc Craty describes about his work on “modulation of DNA conformation by heart-focused intention”, and Myra A. Crawford “Stimuli response on human In Vitro cells: A case for nonlocal communication” where they describe about the nonlocal communications between living systems. An account on Rubik’s Bio-field, quantum biology, and various other related works will be scrutinized Cyril W.Smith concludes that “Water and living systems have macroscopic quantum properties that can give rise to a memory for frequencies, long-range effects, and entanglement between separated systems”. Keeping such statements and results in mind I will celebrate over the non-classical or “quantum” unconventional biological aspects hidden or justified by this research.

An effort to analyze the idea of ‘quantum biology in this regard is reconciled. This thesis confines the usage of the terms mentioned above with respect to biological systems only. The phenomenon of biological systems interaction would be contemplated with such abovementioned ideas. There would be an attempt to analyze whether non-locality (EPR), non-separability. interconnectedness could be accounted for in biological system’s unconventional interactions with each other. Thus, a possible effort towards the dilution of the notorious mind-body dichotomy, reductionism is sought.