Professor of Philosophy, Bhaktivedanta Institute
Expertise: Philosophy of Science

Positions held:
- Member, Philosophy panel, University Grants Commission
- Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
- National Fellow in Philosophy (selected by Indian Council of Philosophical Research) (a non-remunerative position)
- Referee/Examiner for M.Phil. and Ph.D. dissertations in Philosophy of the University of Delhi
Lectures and Seminars
- Lectures at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay on the following topics: Philosophy of Social Sciences, Natural and Social Sciences, Hermeneutics
- Lectured to Junior and Senior lecturers in Social Sciences at the Academic Staff College, University of Mumbai, Department of Social Science
- Presented a paper titled ‘The World As the Project of Man’s Ontological Consciousness’ in the National Seminar on “Epistemology” at the University of Mumbai
Member of the Editorial Board of
- Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Universtiy of Poona, Pune
- Philosophy and the Life-World, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal
- The Philosophical Quarterly, North Maharashtra University, Amalner, Maharastra
- “Subjective and objective knowledge” in Philosophical Consciousness and Scientific Knowledge: Conceptual Linkages and Civilizational Background, Vol. xi, Part I, New Delhi
- “Existence, consciousness and other-directedness” in R. Balasubramanian (ed): Existence, communication and Transcendence (in press)
- “Science: Reductionism and Beyond” in P.K. Sengupta (ed.) (in press)
- “The Mystery of subjectivity” in (eds) Srinivas Rao and G. Misra, Parampara
- “Review of Bina Gupta (ED.): Explorations in Philosophy: Western Philosophy–Essays by J.N. Mohanty” in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, April-June
- “Mind versus matter” in The Philosophical Quarterly, Jan-April
- “Life-Worlds as the Experimental basis of Philosophy”, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Special Issue, March
- “The real and the constructed: Sankara and Husserl”, in Indian Philosophical Quarterly, April-July
- “Review of Ernesto Grassi’s Heidegger and the question of renaissance humanism: Four studies” in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, January-March
- “How Does a Sarvajna (the Ominiscient, the Savant) See Reality?” (Comments on the article ‘How Anekantika is Anekanta? Some Reflections on Jain Thoery of Anekantavada. Published in the JICPR, Vol.XVI, No.2) Discussion and Comments appeared in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Vol. XVII No.3, May-August 2000, pp.159-167
- “The bipolar weltanschuung of the Indian scientist”, a project report submitted to the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi
- “Reflections on John Searle’s philosophy of consciousnesses”, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, July-Sept, Vol. XVIII (No.3), pp.91-106
- “Advaita and Contemporary Indian Philosophy from the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century” (Vol.II Part 2 Advaita Vedanta), an article published in the ‘History of Science and Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization’ edited by R. Balasubramanian (a Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture) pp.379-440.
- “The Internality of Consciousness Experience”, Discussion and Comments appeared in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Vol. XVII No.1, September-December 1999, pp 158-163
- Religion and the Concept of Man”, published in Encyclopedia of Religion (in Kannada)
- “An Essay on D.P. Chattopadhyaya’s Challenge to Classical Rationalism” in History, Culture, and Truth, Kalki Prakash, New Delhi
- “The Internality of Consciousness Experience” Discussion and Comments appeared in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Vol. XVII No.1, September-December 1999, pp 158-163